On his way to the helicopter taking him to Camp David for the weekend, President Reagan stops to show and takes a picture in a T-shirt given to him by a supporter in the crowd. This was a big deal, as many of these shirts were made, and this picture became the image when the Iran-Contra Affair was happening. As it made Americans only think that his main goal was to fight communism, instead of looking at how these goals became an excuse to allow for a small amount of care for human lives.
Further this adds to the main argument that none of Reagans goals were helping provide the freedoms, that he was so often talked about. His main goal was to stop communism at any risk, even if that meant human lives. It is very interesting to look at how willing the United States were in the fight against communism, and this ideal is still seen today. As this was not just seen in the Reagan administration views it was the whole countries view at the the time.